Friday, February 24, 2012

End of training...

After two weeks of training, I am officially a Disney English Foreign Trainer. Yay! It was quite an intense two weeks but we all survived. Michael (from England) described it as the hardest training program he has ever been through, which sums it up pretty well. It was a ton of information and methodology to integrate with the Disney way and our own teaching styles. Don't get me wrong - the training was difficult, but the teaching is going to be fun once the methods become more routine and familiar. I love the content and the use of the Disney property such as the characters and the songs. There is definitely a learning curve but I am looking forward to having my own classes of Chinese students. They are so adorable!!

To celebrate the end of training and my birthday on Monday, a big group of us went out to dinner last night. Since my birthday is coming up, I could pick where we went to eat. Of course, I chose mexican food; I've been missing it the last two weeks. We found a restaurant owned by a man actually from Mexico so the food ended up being delicious. Definitely going to have to go back to that place during my stay in Shanghai when I get a craving for burritos and quesadillas! To top it off my friends surprised me with a homemade birthday card signed by everyone. I was very touched by their thoughtfulness. After all, we've only known each other such a short time which makes this gift so much sweeter because they really tried to make my birthday special. I can't believe I will be turning 29 in a few days. However I do think it is pretty cool that I will be spending the last year of my 20s in Shanghai, China. What a way to end a decade of my life and begin a new one than to be in a foreign country experiencing a different culture and meeting so many fascinating people. I am feeling very blessed right now :)

Homemade Birthday Card

Alex (from England) and I 

Birthday Dinner - Chicken Quesadilla

Anyway, we all had today off to rest and recover from training, which was very much needed. I ended up taking a walk with my fiends Candice and Liz down the road a ways until we came to a place called Jing'An Temple where we hopped on the metro to Nanjing Road. 

Jing'An Temple
Xmen have a hideout in the Shanghai Metro System

Nanjing is known as one of the premiere shopping areas of Shanghai and boy is that an accurate description. There were shops galore along both sides of the road with several multi-story plazas and malls interspersed along the way. It was a bit pricy but we did find a market where you could anything from sweets to nuts to bread to dried/cured meats. You would fill up a plastic bag, someone would weigh it and you paid by the pound. Pretty fun experience! 

Nanjing Road with Candice (left) and Liz (right)
Market on Nanjing Road
Meat section of the Market - All the dried/cured meat you want!
Apple Store- You can look but not buy. Weird.

The rest of tonight I've just been chillin' in my room and relaxing because tomorrow is my first day at my Disney English center. I'll be primarily observing classes and demos (held for prospective families who want to see what goes on in a DE class) until my LLD (Language Learning Director - my boss) thinks I'm ready to take on subbing for a class or two. Then in three weeks or so, the new term begins and I will most likely have three classes to teach which is nice because every else at my center began with 10 classes right off the bat. At least I get a chance to ease into my teaching schedule, which I am very grateful for since I feel very new and green when it comes to this job. I also found out I will have Sundays and Mondays off once the new term starts which is great because I can find a community to join on Sunday mornings. I love my group of DE friends but it will be nice to find a group of people who believe some of the same things I do.

It feels like I have been here so much longer than just two weeks. So much has happened in such a short span of time. Sometimes it feels like months instead of weeks. The language is still an issue but it's amazing how well Westerners can get along here in Shanghai knowing only a few words or phrases in Mandarin. People in Shanghai are more familiar with interacting with Westerners than other parts of China, I think. Although I still get stared at multiple times every day. It even surprises me when I see another Westerner so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I surprise the Chinese people I come across. I choose to find it humorous when people stare at me rather than offended. I mean they are just being curious. I have never been accosted or anything so I choose to find it hilarious that I startle some people when they look up and see me instead of a fellow Chinese person. I might feel the same way if I were in their shoes. I don't want to cause a heart attack or anything but the occasional startled look brings a smile to my face :)

I'll post on my experience working at my center in the next few days or so. I won't be able to post pictures of the kids or anything Disney because of permission needed and copyright rules but I'll try to let you know how it's going so far. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Brief Slideshow of My First Week

My first view of Shanghai from my taxi ride from the airport

It snowed my first full day in Shanghai! My group of trainees went inside a restaurant for lunch and it snowed for a bit when we came out. It didn't stick or last very long, but everyone was very surprised!
Went on a walk on my first Saturday in Shanghai with five other people. Vicki (on the left) and Delous (on the right) were trying to direct us on this adventure. I'm not sure i have ever walked so far in my life, but we definitely have some stories to tell from that day :)

Orientation Day for Disney English. Eileen was in charge and she was a crack up. It made what could have been a very boring day much more enjoyable.

The ten story mall down the street from our hotel. It can be very crowded during peak times of the week.

After a few days of nonstop Chinese food, we were ready for some Western food at Burger King. Pictured left to right: Candice (South Africa via England), Jennie (UK), Delous (Tennessee), and Laura (Florida via Columbia).

A beautiful garden inside of Zhongshan Park down the street from our hotel.

Laura and I explored the park one day last week. It was a nice reprieve after being in the city with all the buildings and traffic. I could actually hear birds chirping and see plant life.

Had dinner with my friend Delous one night. He had been craving duck and he invited me along to this restaurant he had found not far from the hotel. It was quite good actually. A little rich for my taste but good. He also had me try eating lotus plant which I was not a big fan of because it didn't really taste like anything, but I did try it :)
This is my friend Liz from Washington state. She is one of the girls I will be living with in Shanghai.

This is my friend Vicki from Cork, Ireland. I love to listen to her talk because she has a great accent. She is a fantastic storyteller also.

We had academic training Wednesday through Friday last week learning all about what we will be doing at Disney English. The teaching methods include lots of modeling, hand gestures and using tons of realia. Michael was my partner in crime for much of the week. Here we are representing "grandpa" during a lesson. Michael is from Ireland originally but has lived in Newcastle, England for years so his accent is fascinating as well.

Breakfast is included in our hotel stay so I take advantage of it every morning. I'm not a big fan of breakfast normally but this is the only meal I don't have to go out and "hunt" for during my day so it has fast become my favorite meal. Pictured here is scrambled eggs, yogurt, dumpling, steamed bun with custard inside, a roll, orange slices, and hot water.

On Friday we were sent out to visit some actual Disney English centers to observe classes in action. This is the center I will be at during my stay in Shanghai. It is called Jinqaio Center. I had a great experience there and had a great first conversation with my LLD (Language Learning Director) who is essentially the person directly over all the Foreign Trainers which includes me. We get to visit again on Monday afternoon and I am looking forward to going back!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My First Few Days in Shanghai

First of all, I did make it to Shanghai. Hurray! It was a reaaalllly long trip and I was exhausted by the time I finally got to the hotel where I crashed. The next day was full of paperwork and new job details followed by a presentation at one of the Disney English centers of how to assimilate into Chinese culture. Then, I had the next two days off before attending a full day orientation that every Disney employee goes through with some specifics regarding Disney English. Yesterday morning we went to the hospital for a Medical Check so we can apply for our Residence Permits to stay in China for a year. That is a very brief description of the events of the last five days in Shanghai. There are so many stories and emotions and thoughts and feelings interwoven through my time here so far that it would take far too long to recount them all, so I pick some of my highlights for you.

The people are really nice in this group of 15 trainees. There is a core group of about 10 of us that hang out a lot in many different combinations. We all got together Saturday night and hung out in Brian's room (who is originally from Fresno, CA actually). We had some laughs, but we also got into some deep conversations. I think this huge move to China, our jobs, and a love of adventure and travel has bonded us together so quickly. I mean it has only been a few days, but I genuinely enjoy these people. I'm going to be sad when the majority of them move on to their destination cities. There are about 5 of us who are staying in Shanghai. Everyone else is moving out to cities to the west and south of Shanghai. Hopefully, we'll keep in touch and there has been talk of planning some trips as a group. So, that would be cool.

I also love how international our group is here, both in where they come from and where they have traveled. We have people from Ireland, England, and South Africa. The Americans are as follows: Brian and I are originally from Cali, Liz is from Washington, Laura is from Florida but has been living in Bogota, Columbia for the last three years, and Delous is from Tennessee. I'm actually starting to pick up a bit of an accent from the UK people. Some of my words and sentences are going up in pitch at the end. Crazy! I never pick up accents. Weird.

I'm looking to move in with three other single girls that are staying in Shanghai, so we'll be looking at apartments I think near People's Square (Go ahead and look it up, Dad :) because that is a central location for all of us to hop on the Metro to our centers. 

I like the little community we have created here already. We take care of each other and work to include everyone in whatever plans we make, which is wonderful. I know I'm still in the Honeymoon Stage of cultural assimilation into China and there are times when I get really homesick and just want to be with the people I love, but it's nice to know that there are people here that I can talk to who are going through the same things I am. I won't be alone in those feelings, which is comforting. 

I've been doing ok with jet lag. Don't feel really tired until mid-afternoon and then I just push through it until bedtime and I'm fine. I have even been able to wake up early to spend time with the One who is my greatest comfort which has been awesome. It starts my day off well :) I also have a list of people now with names and faces and stories to add to my morning Talks. For some reason, I am comfortable enough with these people that I can be myself even after knowing them for such a short time. Again, I think it has to do with the things we all do have in common at this point in our lives. We are all different ages from 25-45 years old, but we all get along well despite the age differences. 

Training starts this week and goes through next week, and then we start at our centers. So the next few weeks will be busy and a bit stressful, but I'm really looking forward to working with kids again and in a Disney setting. Also found out why Disney English has worked out so well so far here in China. Long term thinking and planning is big here. Families plan with their eye on the future, so they see the education of their children as a long term investment for their child's future. Anyway, thought that was interesting to learn! 
I love you all and could not do what I am doing without the love and support I know you are sending my way. Thank you! 

P.S. I will post pictures a bit later so stay tuned. Off to my first day of training now! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Last night in my bed...

So many thoughts and emotions swirl around in my head and heart as I prepare to spend my last night in my bed here in Georgia. I hope I get some sleep before tomorrow when I will finish up last minute details and finish packing those last few items.

Tonight my mind is dwelling on how many "lasts" I have experienced and will experience before I get to the many "firsts" that are headed my way as the next chapter in my life begins. I am sad yet excited at the same time. Part of me is hesitant to leave behind the familiar yet a bigger part of me cannot wait to venture into the unknown.

Man, I hope I get some sleep tonight.

Father, please grant me peace of mind, calmness of heart, and sweet dreams on this last night at home.