Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My First Few Days in Shanghai

First of all, I did make it to Shanghai. Hurray! It was a reaaalllly long trip and I was exhausted by the time I finally got to the hotel where I crashed. The next day was full of paperwork and new job details followed by a presentation at one of the Disney English centers of how to assimilate into Chinese culture. Then, I had the next two days off before attending a full day orientation that every Disney employee goes through with some specifics regarding Disney English. Yesterday morning we went to the hospital for a Medical Check so we can apply for our Residence Permits to stay in China for a year. That is a very brief description of the events of the last five days in Shanghai. There are so many stories and emotions and thoughts and feelings interwoven through my time here so far that it would take far too long to recount them all, so I pick some of my highlights for you.

The people are really nice in this group of 15 trainees. There is a core group of about 10 of us that hang out a lot in many different combinations. We all got together Saturday night and hung out in Brian's room (who is originally from Fresno, CA actually). We had some laughs, but we also got into some deep conversations. I think this huge move to China, our jobs, and a love of adventure and travel has bonded us together so quickly. I mean it has only been a few days, but I genuinely enjoy these people. I'm going to be sad when the majority of them move on to their destination cities. There are about 5 of us who are staying in Shanghai. Everyone else is moving out to cities to the west and south of Shanghai. Hopefully, we'll keep in touch and there has been talk of planning some trips as a group. So, that would be cool.

I also love how international our group is here, both in where they come from and where they have traveled. We have people from Ireland, England, and South Africa. The Americans are as follows: Brian and I are originally from Cali, Liz is from Washington, Laura is from Florida but has been living in Bogota, Columbia for the last three years, and Delous is from Tennessee. I'm actually starting to pick up a bit of an accent from the UK people. Some of my words and sentences are going up in pitch at the end. Crazy! I never pick up accents. Weird.

I'm looking to move in with three other single girls that are staying in Shanghai, so we'll be looking at apartments I think near People's Square (Go ahead and look it up, Dad :) because that is a central location for all of us to hop on the Metro to our centers. 

I like the little community we have created here already. We take care of each other and work to include everyone in whatever plans we make, which is wonderful. I know I'm still in the Honeymoon Stage of cultural assimilation into China and there are times when I get really homesick and just want to be with the people I love, but it's nice to know that there are people here that I can talk to who are going through the same things I am. I won't be alone in those feelings, which is comforting. 

I've been doing ok with jet lag. Don't feel really tired until mid-afternoon and then I just push through it until bedtime and I'm fine. I have even been able to wake up early to spend time with the One who is my greatest comfort which has been awesome. It starts my day off well :) I also have a list of people now with names and faces and stories to add to my morning Talks. For some reason, I am comfortable enough with these people that I can be myself even after knowing them for such a short time. Again, I think it has to do with the things we all do have in common at this point in our lives. We are all different ages from 25-45 years old, but we all get along well despite the age differences. 

Training starts this week and goes through next week, and then we start at our centers. So the next few weeks will be busy and a bit stressful, but I'm really looking forward to working with kids again and in a Disney setting. Also found out why Disney English has worked out so well so far here in China. Long term thinking and planning is big here. Families plan with their eye on the future, so they see the education of their children as a long term investment for their child's future. Anyway, thought that was interesting to learn! 
I love you all and could not do what I am doing without the love and support I know you are sending my way. Thank you! 

P.S. I will post pictures a bit later so stay tuned. Off to my first day of training now! 

1 comment:

  1. Just followed Kat's link to your blog... randomly my hubby put in a movie and the soundtrack starts playing Georgia On My Mind (from "Ray") Thought that was kind of awesome! :)
